Purity is Guaranteed

The Best Milk for
The Best Health


The milk comes from our Partner farms and packed following the industry standards.

Our milk is pure, natural, raw milk obtained from livestock raised according to best dairy methods. That is, they are fed on a very high-quality diet, their milk is obtained without contamination. At our farm, we ensure the milk produced retains every aspect of this definition: No artificial growth hormones: The cattle are not given any hormonal injections to boost the milk yield.

No antibiotics or steroids: The Cattle are not given any steroids and antibiotics (exceptional cases can be where the ailment is serious, but those animals are not milked).

No preservatives and adulterants: The milk obtained from the cattle is unadulterated and does not have any preservatives (such as formalin or Hydrogen peroxide), which is widely used by local dairy vendors as well as branded milk.

Chemical-free fodder: Fodder for the cattle (green and dry) are home grown in an organic way obtained where-as grains fed are procured from the best local resources.

Full control over quality: From fodder to milk to packaging, the entire process is controlled and monitored at the farm.

Our milk is Pure, Natural, chemical-free, hormone-free, and preservative-free.

We don’t need to pasteurize our raw, farm-fresh milk. Here’s Why.

Pasteurization is a way to improve the shelf life of the product, it has nothing to do with the nutritional quality of the milk. It is a process of killing bacteria in the milk with the help of high temperatures and shock heating. This leads to some loss of good enzymes and the nutritional content of the milk and it also changes the protein (amino cells) structure of the milk. This can be achieved by gradual boiling at home which is a much better process to retain the goodness. Once the milk has been pasteurized, it loses valuable enzymes, vitamins (such as A, C, B6, and B12). Fragile milk proteins are radically transformed from health nurturing to unnatural amino acid configurations.

We don’t process the milk:  Thus providing purest and freshest form of milk to our subscribers. We have solid reasons not to pasteurize, and deliver clean, nutritious, wholesome milk to you every morning. We paid detailed attention to why pasteurization was necessary in the first place. There were two major reasons.

Cleanliness of farm and cattle:   Clean surroundings and cattle are always in question if no proper maintenance or care was taken which is a remark in many farms.

Supply chain:   Time milk comes out of udder till the produce reaches consumers. This is where we excelled over the years adapting the most effective and robust utilization of resources and time.

Milk produced is collected → Chilled to reach until 2-4°C to retain the freshness and shelf life of milk → Packed in Glass Bottles → 3:30 AM milk vehicle leaves from the farm with milk in Insulated boxes → 4:00 AM Milk reaches Delivery Hub → Delivery team takes over from here to their respective designated route → Milk reaches your doorstep

Milking is done by hand by our expert milk men with utmost respect to cleanliness. Post-milking, the milk is packed in glass bottles and transported to the delivery hub – from there it is delivered to each subscriber by our own delivery team & it reaches the subscribers’ doorstep.

Since this is raw milk, we recommend boiling it within 15 minutes of receiving it, especially during the summers. We recommend that the customers boil the milk before the consumption as raw milk is difficult to digest unless your system is used to it. After boiling, the milk can be refrigerated for up to 2-3 days, as in the case of conventional milk.

Yes, you can do it at least within a cut-off time a night before the delivery. Best method is to make your changes from the website for which you will be given access upon registering.


We serve only quality

Discover the Energy with Milk from Paalaseesa

Milk maintains the bone density and reduces the risk of Osteoporosis and bone fracture in women. Milk promotes muscle growth in kids and gives energy.