What can I return?
  • Physically damaged
  • Defective
  • Expired
  • Different from its description on the product detail page on paalaseesa.com
  • Please refer to paalaseesa.com to request a refund

If you have additional questions or require more information about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us.

How do you return your order?
  • Go to Your Orders. ( please ensure you have signed in before)
  • Choose an item that you want to return or replace.
  • Select a reason from the menu and continue.

OR You can directly drop a mail to [email protected] and request for return or replace the order.

Note: The above process is applicable only if the product is returnable/ refundable

Our Return Policy
  • Customers can return their order within 7 days after an order has been delivered.
  • The items will be collected from your respective address/ location.
  • The amount will be refunded to the customer within 7 working days.
  • In the interest of hygiene, we may refuse returns if the item is opened or used.
  • Gift cards/vouchers are non-refundable.